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What is an Ongoing Border Dispute between Nepal and India?

Updated: May 23, 2020

Lipulekh, Kalapani, and Limpiyadhura belong to Nepal

The border issue between Nepal and India isn’t new and has come up now and again since the 1960s. Despite Nepal’s call for Indian government to sit for a dialogue to talk about border, Indian government are reluctant to it.

Why border-dispute has arised?

Nepal released its new political map on 20th May, 2020 includes its own territories: Kalapani, Lipu-Lekh and Limpiyadhura which were controlled unilaterally by the Indian military since the 1960s. Following to it Indian government is claiming that this is the land of India. Indian government has inaugurated road to Kailash Mansarovar using Nepal's land which Nepal government said are not informed about it.

Now let’s talk about Sugauli treaty,

Between 1814-1815, there was an Anglo-Nepal war when British East India Company attacked Nepal in different areas and Nepal lost the defeated territory to British East India Company which was ruling India from 1857 to 1947.

Following this Anglo- Nepalese war, Sugauli treaty was signed in 1816 between the British East India Company and the Government of Nepal. Nepal lost over one third of its territory including Sikkim and Darjeeling in the East and Dehradun, Nainital, Ranikhet, Kumaon and Kangra in the West. To note, this Sugauli treaty clearly states that Lipulekh, Kalapani, and Limpiyadhura belong to Nepal.

Current Nepal land area:147,181 sq. Km

Total land area of Greater Nepal: 204,917 sq. km

Lost land to India according to Suguali Treaty:105,000 sq. km

What is Greater Nepal?

The greater Nepal was made by our ancestors, the unification campaign was led by late King Prithvi Narayan Shah after he ascended throne in the Gorkha kingdom of Nepal.

Greater Nepal included parts in current Indian territory and reached up to current Dinajpur and Rangpur of Bangladesh and up to Sutlej river on the other side. Clearly, Bangladesh would be our Neighbours and this geopolitics of Nepal would change the face of Nepal.

In 1813, this historical Greater Nepal extended from the Sutlej to the Teesta, Ghagra in West, Gorakhpur in East, Khiragadh and Bahariah in South, in North including Mountains.

Lets talk about more treaties between Nepal, UK and India, which clearly states that India should return 105,000 km2 of territory to Nepal

November 9, 1947 tripartite agreement between United Kingdom, Government of Nepal and Government of India discussed on recruiting Gorkhalis(Nepali soldiers) in British Army. But all three parties remain silent about the Nepal’s lost land part in Sugauli treaty of 1816.

When India become independent in 1947, according to this tripartite agreement Nepali Soldiers were divided between India and Britain. The land lost to British East India Company by Nepal during Sugauli treaty was not required by Britain but India do not want to return the Nepalese land that was seized by British East India Company in Sugauli treaty.

Nepal government has Rana’s prime-ministership at that period and the Ranas did not raise voice to get that lost land back. They thought citizens from former land of Nepal lost to East Indian Company have already tasted the fruit of independence.Therefore, Ranas thought taking those land back will put their rule in danger as people will revolt.This is how Greater Nepal lost its one third of part to India.

1947 British left India and India celebrated Independence Day but India do not consider on return Nepal’s land back.

Article 8 of 1950 agreement between Nepal and India annulated the Sugauli treaty. Only because of Sugauli treaty, Nepal lost land to British Empire.

Article 8 of 1950 agreement between Nepal and Britain annulated Sugauli Treaty and all other agreement before this date.

The main point to get back all lost land of Nepal to British East India Company

Greater Nepal lost one-third of its land to British East India Company according to Sugauli treaty but when Sugauli treaty were annulated and without ratification of these treaty, it clearly states that Nepal owes all lost territory.

What Nepalese citizens can understand from Indian’s government’s activities and actions? Nepalese have experienced 2015 economic blockade of India to Nepal. Recently, we have seen and Nepalese media are also presenting the ongoing border encroachment not only in the Lipulekh, Kalapani, and Limpiyadhura region but also in other parts of Nepal.

Not only this, Indian medias are continuously presenting the false news that Lipulekh, Kalapani, and Limpiyadhura region do not belong to Nepal.

Journalist , Arnab Goswami invited Nepalese and Indian leaders in the debate program, “The Debate With Arnab Goswami”, the presenter was seen clearly interrupting the Nepalese leaders. Indian official was accusing Nepal that Nepal government is siding China, the Indian officials also presents a threatening insight by telling that Indian armies are not interested in fighting for Nepal. Nepalese officials had time and again repeated that Nepal’s has its own position and Nepal has not taken any step at the behest of China. But the presenter was stopping Nepalese leader time and again. This clearly shows disrespect of Nepal.

Nepalese citizen has experienced the long turbulence in Nepalese politics due to frequent change in government, has suffered throughout the history either in the name of Panchayat system, during 10 years civil war in Nepal and even to bring federal Democratic Republic, Nepalese citizens had made great contribution. Different parties come in power but majority of the Nepalese have not been fortunate to taste the fruit of democracy. Border dispute between Nepal and India clearly shows that Nepalese need to unify together.

2020 Corona virus outbreak has disturbed the world’s movement, countries are on lockdown and even at this critical time, ongoing border encroachment in different areas of Nepal from Indian official where protesting Nepalese locals are injured from Indian side. This shows that something is lacking from Indian government to Nepal and vice-versa.

Nepal’s neighbor country India, who has experienced colonialism for 90 years and who celebrates Independence Day should assist Nepal to get back the Nepalese land because history shows that Indians value for independence and they need to feel that nationality holds great value to other as well. Nepal wants healthy cooperation and friendship with India. Nepal is a sovereign country. Its international partners through their various cooperative work and development project in Nepal shows that every country in the world want to see Nepal standing strong and as a sovereign country. It is because, nationalism holds greater importance for everyone.


Google source, official documents

About the Writer

Miss Pathak is a master student in Migration studies major International and European Law. She is a graduate of Master in International Business. She writes as her hobbies.

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Bhattarai Prabin
Bhattarai Prabin
May 23, 2020

Very nice keep it up.

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