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Notion of Migration Management: Three Organization(IOM, UNHCR, ICMPD) follow this notion

Migration is a global phenomenon and the huge concern of contemporary global society. Over the centuries people have been involved in cross-border movements to explore opportunity or to start new life. Movement within nations and between borders facilitate people to take part in socio-economic, cultural, educational, political activities. With the increased inflows and outflows between the countries, there is great importance of human and orderly migration management, which is crucial for the benefits of the country in the world. Approximately 3.4% of the world’s population, which means 258 million people in the world are international migrants(IOM Report,2020).

Organization which follows the notions of Migration Management: Organizations using the notion of migration management are IOM, UNHCR, ICMPD. These organizations are based on the idea that migration should benefit three parties of migration( migrants, receiving and origin countries).

International Organization for Migration(IOM): IOM is an international organization which works to ensure that migration management is carried out respecting human rights. It seeks to promote international cooperation in the field of migration management as well as it is working to ensure durable and practical solutions to the migration problems. IOM presents itself as a migration agency.

IOM was established in 1951 with the mission of promoting humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all. Originally and proudly, IOM is outside the UN system and since 2016, IOM is a ‘related organization to the UN’. It is recognized by the UN as ‘the global lead agency on migration’ and ‘an essential contributor in the field of human mobility, in the protection of migrants, in operational activities related to migrants, displaced people and migration-affected communities.’ It does so by providing services and advice to governments and migrants. IOM works in the four broad areas of migration management and they are as follow:

1. Migration and Development

2. Facilitating migration

3. Regulating migration

4. Forced migration.

Similarly, IOM’s activities also include the promotion of international migration law, policy debate and guidance, protection of migrants' rights, migration health and the gender dimension of migration. While IOM is working in migration management, some of its activities are also regarded as migration control. For example: through a voluntary return program, IOM assists migrants who want to return and sometimes including the victims of trafficking. IOM is also assisting migrants

Migration Governance framework of IOM are as follows:

The three principles propose the necessary conditions for migration to be well-managed by creating a more effective environment for maximized results for migration to be beneficial to all. These represent the means through which a State will ensure that the systemic requirements for good migration governance are in place.

The three objectives are specific and do not require any further conventions, laws or practices than the ones that are already existing. Taken together, these objectives ensure that migration is governed in an integrated and holistic way, responding to the need to consider mobile categories of people and address their needs for assistance in the event of an emergency, building resilience of individuals and communities, as well as ensuring opportunities for the economic and social health of the State.

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR): UNHCR presents itself as UN refugees’ agency. It is a United Nations agency which was established in 1950 with the mandate to protect refugees, forcibly displaced communities and stateless people and assist in their voluntary repatriation, local integration or resettlement to a third country. It is a global organization dedicated to saving lives, protecting rights and building a better future for refugees, forcibly displaced communities and stateless people.

It is a full UN organization, created as per UN general resolution in 1950 for the duration of 2 years to settle European refugees after world war II. And then renewed for three years and then renewed for 5 years and then later made it function till the refugees will exist. Like the UN General assembly created it, it can also be deleted. Since its establishment, its two main missions are international protection of the refugees (which includes legal and durable solutions).

Because of the legal mandate, UNHCR can also work in concrete guidance for example, rescue at sea. UNHCR is also working in cooperation with another UN organization, UN Maritime organization. UNHCR also uses maritime law because refugees use this way.

On 17 December 2018, the UN General Assembly affirmed the Global Compact on Refugees. This program was affirmed after two years of extensive consultations led by UNHCR with Member States, international organizations, refugees, civil society, the private sector, and experts. Regarding migration management, in 1991 UNHCR stated that resettlement is the last resort only in case neither voluntary repatriation nor local integration is possible. However, UNHCR defines that resettlement is the better tool for international protection, it could not serve the large number of migrants who are in a real need for international protection. UNHCR amends the resettlement as a last resort in migration management as a response to the political and economic interest in a given time among the receiving countries.

The International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD): ICMPD is a European organization founded in 1993 through the initiative of Austria and Switzerland. This organization deals with the global phenomenon of migration through multilateralism and a partnership approach. ICMPD is an international organization with 17 Member states which takes a regional approach in its work to create efficient cooperation and partnerships along the migration routes. The International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) was founded in 1993, upon the initiative of Austria and Switzerland and the purpose of the establishment of the organization was to encourage informal consultations between related parties as well as to provide expertise in management of migration and asylum issues through cooperation.

ICMPD works for migration management by emphasizing the three-pillar approaches (research, migration dialogues and capacity building) which it believes helps in the better migration policy development worldwide. Founded in 1993, ICMPD holds UN observer status and cooperates with more than 700 partners including EU institutions and UN agencies. ICMPD works to bridge the gap between the migration theories and the practices. It provides real insights about the migration phenomena among the decision makers and it takes a role of fair companion in migration discourse by bringing all important players around the same table.

ICMPD has vast experience in bridging the gap between theory and practice. According to these principles, ICMPD provides policy makers and politicians with the necessary groundwork needed to make decisions. Furthermore, ICMPD is present on the ground with its capacity building activities in various areas of migration management.

ICMPD works together with the member states to develop and implement long-term strategies to cope with the migration phenomenon which includes facilitating early warning, combating root causes, harmonizing entry control measures and coordinating alien, asylum and refugee policies. It aims to promote international cooperation in the area of migration policies, as well as relevant research in these areas. ICMPD works to study the migration flow in the receiving country as well as the country of origin. Its mission is to make migration and mobility of people orderly, safe and regular, by the implementation of planned and well-managed migration policies. While working for migration management, the work of ICMPD is also to cooperate with the member states to develop the measures for the improved recognition and control of migratory movements.

Migration Industry and Migration Management

The ranges of factors and actors facilitate the mobility of people as well as its management. Migration industry is linked to facilitation of migrants at one end and migration control at the other end. Migration industry is managing human mobility. Heterogeneous actors in migration industry include security companies(who carry out task such as border control, deportation, detention centers etc), lawyers, smugglers(criminal networks), INGOs( for example: IOM known for aiding in voluntary returns and UNHCR known for applying repatriation, local integration as well as resettlement), transport companies etc.Migration actors facilitate migrants throughout the migration journey from start of journey to settlement in the destination country. They include transnational companies, facilitation companies, smaller enterprises, human smuggling networks and humanitarian organizations.


About Writer

She is a research-based Master student of Migration Studies (Major International Law) at University Cote d’Azur, Nice, France. She is a graduate of master’s in international business at IAE Nice Graduate School of Management, France. She is a personal blogger and content writer.

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